Friday, October 12, 2007


Rollercoasters are awesome. You're waiting in line, passing the time waiting to have the time of your life. Then once you get to the coaster, you strap yourself in and get ready for a crazy adrenaline rush. There's this beautiful serene moment when your chugging up to the top of the incline, observing creation in all its glory. Next is that intense spin right round (baby right round, like a record!!), upside down, around again, swivelling and corkscrewing, spiralling through the air at intense speeds and then you come to a crashing halt.

Can't life be like that sometimes?

Its like my life is one giant rollercoaster. Up until recently I've felt like I've always been waiting in line for my life to start. Then life started. I strapped myself in. Lots of beautiful serenity (How's the serenity?!?), laughing, dreaming, playing. Then things start crashing down around you. Small parts of your life change. Then major life changes. Families, friends, fellas. Life changes. Its like being on that rollercoast, catapolted from one end to the other. Swiveling, spinning, swerving, spiralling. Coming to a crashing halt.

Yeah, life can be like a rollercoaster. Things can be great, and then things can be not so great.
But you know what I'm greateful for?

My Rock.

My God.

The only consistent thing in my life.

When I'm riding on the rollercoaster, God is always there. For the beautifully serene moments and for the crazily insane and intense moments.

He's always there for me.

And he's always there for you too.

He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2