Monday, March 31, 2008


The Boomtown Rats once sang: "Tell me why I don’t like Mondays?"

How about I answer that for you:

a. Mondays start with an 8am lecture. An interesting subject nevertheless, but possibly one of the most boring lectures in the history of my uni degree. And what kind of mean person schedules an 8am Monday lecture, its like they are just asking for everyone to fail!!

2. I always have a late night on Sundays, whether that be going to a church service, hanging out with friends/family, watching TV or reading a good book, I can never get to bed early.

III. A consequence of my inability to go to bed early results in me savouring every last moment of sleep, which means I have limited time to get ready for my 8am lecture. This often ends up with me having no breakfast, which leads to my stomach making awfully embarrasing noises as it growls for food in my lecture.

However, no matter how much I dislike Mondays, there is a positive aspect that I like about Mondays. That it is a fresh start. Its like no matter what happended the week before, Monday signifies a new beginning. People always say they will start exercising on Monday, I’ll be more organised starting from Monday, I’ll stop picking my nose on Monday. Get the picture? Monday.

Like the bible says in Lamentations 3, God’s mercies are new every morning. He gives us graces every minute of every day (woohoo for that!). God can give us a fresh start any time of day, no matter who you are, where you have been or what you have done. Every day is Monday to God (well, not every day, but metaphorically speaking). So lets embrace Mondays!!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Do you ever have moments in time, where that specific minute or second is just so beautiful you never want to leave it?

That, if it were humanly possible that you would stay in that moment forever an soak it in?

Those moments that are so precious that you wish you could bottle them and relive them any time you want???

Truth is, we can’t stay in those moments forever or bottle them.

It’s cliche’ but life goes on. Hard things happen, life happens. Things happen that rip your heart out, pollute your mind and just plain break you.

But there is always hope, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and I for one am so happy that the hope is Jesus :)