Monday, April 07, 2008


Due to my recent involvement in my best friends wedding, I’ve been thinking alot about weddings, nuptials and etc I’ve realised how much planning and effort goes into the actual wedding day.

Its amazing how much people put emphasis on the wedding day, organising the dress, suits, bridesmaids dresses, table settings, venue, vows, jewellery, hair, makeup, invitations, photographer, thankyou cards, brial registry, flowers, music, food, speeches. The list goes on and on and on and on.

I just made me think - what if people put more emphasis on the actual marriage rather than the wedding? If they put more importance on the state of their relationship rather than the state of the wedding.

I am by no means writing off weddings, I love weddings and plan to have a great one myself one day. But I just think if people put more relationship into their impending marriage rather than their wedding, then perhaps we would see less divorces occuring.

Your wedding day is a beautiful day, one to cherish and remember forever - I’m really looking forward to my wedding. But more than anything I’m looking forward to starting my life with the man of my prayers (not dreams!) and focusing on our relationship and life together rather than the wedding day and preperations.

n.b. This is no reflection on my best friends wedding - just a simple thought I had and observation on weddings in general.