Monday, September 22, 2008


***Just sent this email to some of the wonderful ladies I know...thought I may as well post it on here too***

Over the weekend I was at a Christian Conference and hear an awesome woman of God, named Melinda Tankard Reist speak on a topic entitled...'Resisting Objectification: addressing the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls in pop culture'. I was truly distubed and horrified by some of the information that was presented. At one stage I felt physically ill and others I had tears in my eyes. Alot was stirred up within me.

Melinda and a group of women have started a company called Womens Forum Australia (WFA) who lobby against the objectification of women in the media and the sexualisation of children.. Alot of the work they do focuses on debunking and displaying to women the unrealistic images they come up against every day in the media.They have also produced a research paper which they have presented in magazine format named 'Faking it' which really highlights how women have been andcontinue to be objectified in the media. The WFA website provides alot of information as to what the WFA stand for as well as the different issues they campaign for and promote.

Just listening to Melinda speak about this issue really struck a cord with me. I realised how much that I, as a Christian woman who strives to live a life honoring to God has become desensitised to how the world portrays women. I have always seen it as an issue, but didnt realise how mortifying and rampant it was in our society. As Melinda was explaining some of the advertising campaigns and statistics my heart was breaking. God loves these women so much, he died on the cross for them so they can be set free and live the life God has pre-destined for them. God loves women and Im sure his heart would be breaking over seeing his beautiful creations beind demoralised and treated with the honor and love he wants to lavish them with.

With issues like this, its hard to know what we can do to make a difference. Basically, I think it is matter of making a stance against not only being exposed to this material, but also not supporting the companies who promote the objectification of women and the sexualisation of children (such as womens magazines, explicit film clips, products with sexual marketing and advertising campaigns). Yes, it might seem a bit extreme, but if we either directly support or indirectly support these companies, we are giving them licence to continue this process. Also, we can pray. We can intercede. We can call upon God to come into this situation, turn it around and use it for his Glory. We can pray for the women who are not being treated with the respect and love God desires them to be treated with.

Like I said, I am not usually one to go on a rant and scream it from the rooftops, but this is one particular area I am passionate about and I believe that women need to be aware of the issues that face us everyday. With the pressures that face women from the media, it is hard not to buy into it and I personally notice myself slip in this area everyday. God loves us, he created each of us in his image and wants us to be living in him, whole and complete. We need to look to him for affirmation, adoration and acceptance. All women in the world need this and being educated in this area can help make a change.

I learnt so much from hearing Melinda speak and could have let you know so much more in this email about what I learnt. But i'm not one to force information or my opinions on people too much. If you would like to, check out the website. Search your heart, pray and listen to what God says to you about this important topic. Let other women know about it if you feel led to.

Thanks and God Bless