Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pig Face

So I just watched this move entitled "Penelope"....its like a romance/fairytale/comedy (and not the other way around!) and aside from liking the whimsical costuming and stellar soundtrack, I really took alot away from the movie.

For this blog, I'll have to give you a basic and very vauge run down of the movie. Be warned that I am going to ruin the ending for you!

Penelope is a young lady who, because of a family curse, is born with a pigs snout for a nose. As any good fairytale goes, the curse can only be broken by marrying a man who fulfills the stipulated requirements....or so it appears. After her overbearing parents (mostly her mum) spend 7 years trying to find Penelope a suitor to break the curse, who all keep running away, Penelope decides to make it for herself in the big city. Following a series of tumultous events and twists and turns Penelope finally exclaims to her mother "I like myself the way I am" and suprisingly,causing her pig face to dissolve and voila! she becomes beautiful.

Funny that in the end it isnt the man who fixes her problem.What was the point of me rambling on about a pig faced girl?

Well, truth is, alot of the time I feel like a pig faced girl!! Waiting for a man to come along a break the curse and to make me beautiful. As much as I know this isnt the case, its hard to sometimes not buy into.

All throughout the movie, Penelopes Mother wants her to fall in love and for the curse to be broken, so she can be 'beautiful & normal', just like everyone else. I see the mother as representing the 'world', whether that be the media, friends, family, or whoever it is telling us what is beautiful.

I think as women (and men), we need to embrace who we are, how we were made and love ourselves,even like ourselves!! We don't need to buy into what the world tells us we should be, whoever our 'mother' is, we shouldnt listen to them. We can't expect anyone to make us feel beautiful, to remove the 'curse' in our lives and make everything peachy and live happily ever after. Its about accepting who you are, loving who you are, liking who you are despite everything else and not relying on others for fulfillment.

I really need to take my own advice, to get over the 'pig face curse' I've brought into my own life. I'm so grateful that truth in my life isnt based on this transient world, but rather on the rock...that is God!! With him all things are possible and my world is full of love and grace and most importantlly acceptance....pig face or no pig face!!!

Please excuse my dodgy photoshopping, just learning!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

A penny for my thoughts

No need for a penny....I'll give them to you for freeeee!!!

Im watching Spiderman 3 and have had a bit of an epiphany...a bit unusual to have an epiphany whilst watching Spiderman, but I'm not very usual anyway.

Had a bit of a realisation about how transient our world is when it comes to love and fulfilment. Jumping from one relationship to the next to find that 'thing' that fulfils them. This isnt limited to romantic relationships either, friendships can be included in this.

When I think of love, I think of commitment and serving the person with no motivation for personal gain. When I search the scriptures this is what I find. In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul gives an amazing description of love

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I know we hear that passage at like every wedding we have ever been to and sometimes it can lose its OOOOOMPH!!! Sometimes it grows a bit old on me too...but I know that instead I should soak this verse in apply it more and more to my life.

Sometimes I think I know more non-christians who demonstrate 1 Corinthians 13 better than christians. Imagine if we loved others as Jesus called us to? Possibly more people would look to him for love and fulfilment rather than eachother.

I certainly have so much to learn in love, all the elements Paul touches on I need God to transform in my attitude. I'm just such an idealist and wish life was like God intended it! I guess heaven is the only ideal....Love is a beautiful thing. Gods love is even more beautiful :D

What if we looked at every situation through love?