Tuesday, April 19, 2011




I decide to write a blog about intelligence and I don’t even spell it correctly the first time…perhaps I didn’t strike the ‘I’ key with enough gusto….yes…gusto…..that is the story I am going to stick to.

Some people are ridiculously smart. I can’t comprehend how scientists and mathematicians even solve the most basic of problems. Their brains are just wired so differently to mine. My brains wiring is an array of colours, with a plethora of swirls and twirls, flourishes and embellishments. But there is a method to the creative madness of my brain. It is also organised; there is uniformity to the chaotic rainbow of wiring in my head, each part having its place and purpose.

Constantly, my organised side and my creative side are at war. Organisation v Creativity. Organisation over in the left corner, Creativity over in the right. To compare the battle going on in my brain to one of my favourite childhood books – Matilda, Organisation looks like Miss Trunchbull. She’s all military, monobrowed and ready to push Creativity straight into the chokey. Creativity of course is Miss Honey, who is floral, full of finesse and ready to let Organisation know she’s not going to be oppressed any longer. In Matilda, Miss Honey and Matilda kick Miss Trunchbulls kahki’d butt. But when it comes to my brain, there is no winner. Creativity and organisation are as strong as each other and the battle rages.

I consider my brain and how it has been so masterfully put together (oh yes, it is full of glitches – but that’s part of the appeal) and marvel. I am amazed at how others brains are put together; how one person can perform magic by solving equations in their head, how another brings beauty into the world by arranging texture and colour.

Intelligence is subjective. No brand of cleverness is more significant or necessary than the other. Logic needs creativity and creativity needs logic. I’m so delighted that the world has been crafted in such a way. Gravity keeps our planet (and the all others) in orbit and at the same time the solar system manages to be one of the most exquisite sights one will ever view. God’s logic and creativity is working in perfect harmony in this world.

And bizarrely, God is bringing harmony to the war that is raging in my head.

1 comment:

Ross said...

I had a friend over on Friday who pointed out how amazing the tree growing outside my front window was. In a single seed, God placed all the information for it to grow, photosynthesize, shed its leaves throughout the seasons, and everything else involved in being a tree.