Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ridiculously Good Looking

This evening when I signed into MSN Messenger the Ninemsn news browser popped up and one of the captions read:

"SPRUNG - Celebrities with cellulite"

My initial reaction was 'pffffffffffft - who gives a rats'.

Then I was bombarded by an onslaught of thoughts. Overall I was quite disturbed with how the media doesn't let celebrities have any flaws, almost as if they are meant to be perfect, superhuman beings born with perfect bone structure (as Derek Zoolander would say). The media presents such an unrealistic, doctored and fake image of those in the limelight, using photoshop to the best of their abilities. Unless of course, they desire to make a spectacle of those who don't fit the mould.

I don't mean to rant (well actually, I do). I just get fed up when the media publishes stories about western societies eating disorder issues (pun, not intended, but funnily fitting) and how harmful it is to people in our society, then contradicting themselves by publishing articles about how celebrities got their post baby bodies back. I know that yes, it most likely isn't the same media moguls publishing these contradictory articles, but it still frustrates me to no end.

This also reminds me of the thoughts I have been having recently on age and the aging process. A recent conversation with some friends really challenged my views on growing old and how our world perceives the aging process. There are so many anti-aging campaigns and products around; it’s hard to not be coerced into thinking that aging is bad. Yes, aging is inevitable and there are certain ailments that come with old age that are not so appealing (broken hips, dentures, prunes, mylanta & medication) but what ever happened to aging gracefully???

You only need to observe the 'celebrities' of society to see that people are desperately trying to hold onto their youthful appearance, going under the knife time after time to maintain their looks. Sorry, but cosmetic surgery is not the elixir of life. You're face may not have wrinkles and certain areas may not have yet succumbed to gravity, but just as aging is an inevitability, so is death. You might look pretty, but your life will come to an end, just as everyone else’s does.

My comfort is in knowing that no matter what age I reach, no matter how many wrinkles I amass or how much my hair greys, that I have eternal life and hope in Jesus. He has given me life and life in more abundance.

Ironically, the most beautiful women I know are women who are walking with the Lord, not the celebrities who the world says to look to as the example of beauty. These ladies are stunning, they have gorgeous clear skin, bright eyes, glossy hair and even more importantly beautiful souls. Jesus is certainly the best anti-aging product on the market.

However, you still may have cellulite.
Sorry Ladies.

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