Friday, January 16, 2009


For many spending a Friday night drinking tea, eating chocolate and watching trashy rom-coms with your Grandmother isn't a very romantic idea. It certainly wasn't romantic. But it was a lovely evening, heck, she nearly walked me home - bathrobe, slippers and all. That was until I suggested that it may appear that she escaped from the loony bin. So I took a quick stroll home, pondering the idea of romance.

Romance is a notion certainly not prevalent in my life. My ability to place myself in awkward situations, primarily due to heinous case of foot in mouth disease, usually sends the opposite sex running in the other direction. I too have gone running in the opposite direction from a previous 'love' interest - upon seeing my potential beau after one of the aforementioned foot-in-mouth episodes I quickly spun around and dived into the nearest garden bed.

Much to my embarrassment, like most women, I enjoy the odd (or not so odd.......) romantic comedy. However, a recent analysis of my expectations in any future 'romantic' relationship really gunned me down to reality. I'm not talking some lame super-soaker gun down here, more like a straight at the heart, dead accurate sniper-rifle gun down.

The concepts & ideals presented in these rom-coms are just not based in reality. Duh. Here are three examples which prove this already obvious hypothesis.

1. If you've been a bridesmaid 27 times (with hideous dresses to match), are in love with your boss and haven't had a date in years, chances are James Marsden ain't coming to your rescue. Rather, retreat to your polyester jungle and eat your body weight in chocolate.

2. No bets involving 'losing a guy in ten days' is going to wind up with you getting up close and personal with Matthew McConaughey.

3. If pottery is your deal, I don't think Patrick Swazye's Ghost is going to help you fashion your newest piece of crockery whilst Unchained Melody is playing in the background.

I realise that I sound like an cynic when it comes to romance. Surprisingly, I am far from it. I look forward to the day when I meet a man, fall in love, get hitched, further populate the world and acquire new and interesting ailments as the years progress.

I just don't want to buy into what the world tells me romance is. Watching these unrealistic movies definitely won't result in a realistic relationship. Instead of looking to what the world says about romance and relationships I endeavor to look to what God says about this issue.

A relationship with God at the centre is the most romantic thing I can think of. The creator of love itself, of romance and all things seen and unseen wanting to be involved in every area of my life - blissful!!

I could write so much more on this topic. How God loves you, wants to romance you and capture your heart. Maybe another day.

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