Thursday, February 12, 2009


As valentines day (or 'single awareness day', as some like to refer to it) is rapidly approaching, I couldn't help but pen a few thoughts about v-day.

Across my years, I have never had a valentine. Recently analysis of the reasons for this led me to one conclusion: garlic. My whole life I have eaten garlic most days - my folks used it a lot in dinner as kids and I use it in my meals when I cook. Everyone can detect a garlic eater.....the aroma hits you like a brick wall constructed out of dead feet. And while my case of halitosis isn't that extreme (I hope), I prefer to deduce that my singleness is a result of this, rather than confront other harsher possibilities.

One may expect me to take a cynical and bitter view of valentines day considering my history (or lack there of) with this holiday. Surprisingly (even to myself), it is one avenue I am not going to go down, although I am prone to walk past the street, dwell, sigh and take another lap around the block. Rather, what I would like to concentrate on is the notion behind this holiday.

. L-O-V-E .

Love surrounds us, it is universal. Whether it be platonic, familial or romantic love, we have all experienced some form of love in our lives (if we realise it or not). A large majority of the music listened to today is dominated by the theme of love, as are the movies that are made. Dating sites are commonplace on the internet, with millions of people all searching for 'the one' or at the very least for 'the one that will do for now'. We are all crying out for love, it seems we can't get enough.

It appears that the world revolves around love, but it is because of love that the world revolves.

This love, the love that makes the world revolve - Gods love, is the love that causes me not to turn down cynical avenue each time I stroll past. Just like the rest of the world, I was crying out for love and he answered. His love gives me a purpose and a passion for life. This love - eternal, unconditional, never ceasing love is more than enough for me. Gods love is there for you too, all you need to do is embrace it.

So this valentines day, while all the lovers are out strolling in the sunshine and the singles are lamenting in their self-imposed dungeons, perhaps ponder on the source of love.

It might also be a good idea to avoid garlic for the next few days, cupid could show up. Halitosis and romance are not a good mix.

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