Monday, June 27, 2011

.wallflowers & shrinking violets.

Shy people are misunderstood. Just because one is shy does not necessarily make them:

A. Socially inept
B. Rude
C. Low on confidence
D. A serial killer or
E. All of the above

I would describe myself as a shy person. This may surprise some. In new social settings where I am feeling out of my depth, I struggle to initiate conversation with those I've just met (it seems to come so easily to some!). You many not think that I am shy, but I assure you that beyond the cool, calm & collected surface, I am experiencing significant internal turmoil.

Despite my initial shyness, once I'm comfortable around others its hard to shut me up. It's then, when I'm mingling without hesitation that others see that I am not really a Wallflower or Shrinking Violet...that I am:

A. Socially apt
B. Absurdly polite
C. Have a healthy level of confidence
D. Am not planning on cutting them into little pieces
E. Am all of the above (and more!)

The best quality about my fellow shy comrades is that they are surprising and are often not what you expect. Spend quality time with a reserved person, delve deeper and you will be astounded with what you discover. Some of the most interesting people I know are introverted and I am so grateful to have invested time in these relationships (and vice versa).

Shy people get misjudged…when I meet new people I sometimes feel that they think I am a stuck up, uptight, snob. Now, I know that I am none of these things, but this is my observation of others perceptions of me. Strangely, I actually kind of like that people perceive me that way…it’s good to rock the boat now and again and mess with peoples pre-conceived notions.

Stereotyping and pigeonholing are treacherous past-times. My desire is to quit judging others by their exterior appearance and behaviour and see beyond the labels we put on each other. I want to be surprised by the people I encounter and I want to surprise others…there is a richness that can be found in each person that is so easily passed by – I don’t want to be poor because I didn’t stop.

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