Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Little Things

Being a uni student means I very rarely have two dollars to spare. I remember times of eating mi goreng noodles with frozen vegies cause I only had $5 for food that week. It’s amazing to learn how little you can actually live off and still feel at total peace with joy overflowing in your life.

Over the last few years I have had a few moments where I have thought‘hmmmmmm…..I’d love to have a copy of CD’. However, money usually limited me and it meant I could never afford to buy the CD’s I would have liked to.

Late last week I heard DC Talks song ‘In The Light’ on the radio and thought that I would love to hear more of their music. Today I went to the op-shop and low and behold, there in the music area was not only one, but two DC Talk CD’s. I was blown away. It’s situations like that, which remind me that God cares about every facet of our lives.

He cares about everything, absolutely everything. There isn’t one area of your life, which he doesn’t want to be a part of, to share with you - his son or daughter, his creation. It’s hard to comprehend that God cares about your life and loves you unconditionally. I often struggle with the concept. But when you think about it, why would you want to worship a God who doesn’t care about every area of your life? What would be the point?

I love the fact that God cares about the little things, that he blesses me continually, on a daily basis. Look to him and he will fulfil your needs, no matter how big or small.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Talk to most people who know me pretty well and one word they would use to describe me would be responsible (however writing a blog on the night before my last exams isn't too responsible....hmmmm). Nevertheless, responsible is certainly a word I would use to describe myself.

A few weekends ago, I had a slight lapse in my responsible nature and decided to give skateboarding a go. This certainly wasn't a bright idea as another word to describe me would be unco-ordinated. At first my skating expedition was rolling along quite well (pun intended) and I decided to start pushing off....after a few small sucessful attempts I decided to demonstrate to my friends my new found skill. I place my right foot on the board, I pushed off with my left leg and next thing I know I'm up the air, legs flailing about, arms waving around. KABOOOOOOM!!!! My butt hits the ground and I break the fall by sticking my right arm out. SMACK!!! CRACK!!!!

Fortunately, no bones were broken. I have however had a very sore right wrist for the last two weeks. For the first week and a halfish I had no visible brusing on my wrist, however on Saturday the brusies started to emerge...two weeks after my stack! I probably should have gone to the doctor at the beginning to prevent it from hurting for so long....stinking pride!

This got me thinking.....

How often are we hurt and we leave the injury untreated? There has been plenty of times in my life where I have been emotionally hurt and I don't deal with the problem properly. Whether that be talking to those involved in the situation and recifying it, or just taking it to the Lord and seeking his face. Truth is, no matter how long you leave a situation untreated, the problem, the issue, the root cause is going to surface. The bruise is going to come out.

Wheter we like it or not, problems need to be dealt with. Directly. Whats the point in going through life and accumulating all of these wounds, being damaged and harmed and not dealing with it? Eventually it will rise to the top and the bruise will surface.

Jesus wants to heal us of any injury caused to us. Physical or emotional he wants to be there. To walk through it with us and see us healthy and whole. If you have hurts, turn to Jesus, cast your burdens onto him - he cares for you. He loves you.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Recently I have been realising what an idealist I am.

I see my life before me playing out like some picture perfect romantic comedy, with the leading lady being a strong, beautiful, graceful and endearing heroine, capturing the hearts of all those around her. It would have to be a four part miniseries of course, following the young lady as she transforms throughout the decades, with her trials and tribulations, along with some hilarious situations.

I don’t really know what to think of when I look to the future. I have so many plans, hopes, dreams and desires for my life and lately, I've been feeling young and naive in thinking they will come to fruition. It’s not that I don’t want these things to happen, but rather that sometimes the horridness of the world stops me from believing that they will happen.

I look at so many people, broken and hurting, just like me and everyone else and wonder if it is possible to live that picture perfect existence. I guess the truth is that we all are broken, we all are hurting and yet we all have these desires in our heart to achieve.

But when I think about the any plans, hopes, dreams and desires for my life, it reminds me of where they came from and who placed them in my heart.

Psalm 37:4 states: Take delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart

I also think of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

When we seek after God, when we desire God and what he desires and purse righteousness he sees that and answers our prayers.

Yes, all the plans, hopes, dreams and desires for my life that I want may not come to fruition, but Gods plans, hopes, dreams and desires for what he wants will come to fruition if I delight in him and seek is kingdom and his righteousness.