Sunday, July 11, 2010


I never thought I'd say this....but I'm sick of winter. Growing up in a tropicalesque climate (on the Gold Coast) I only ever experienced winter for a maximum of 2 months. If I had to wear a jacket, then it was cold. I survived winter without a heater or even an electric blanket.

Currently, I don't leave the house unless I resemble the Incredible Hulk. 1 singlet, 1 long sleeve stop, a business shirt, a knitted vest and a coat usually keep my upper half warm. A pair of stockings under my pants ensure extra warmth. Then there is the accessories....scarves (sometimes two), a beanie and gloves.

Once or twice I've heard that doctors can recommend for those suffering from depression who live in colder climates to move to a warmer location. The chill of winter often forces you inside, not doing much for your social life or your state of mind. It is bizarre that the cooler months can cause something within us to die.

What I do love about winter is that it is always followed by spring. New life. The layers of clothing slowly start to come off, people leave the house, flowers bloom and the sun shines.

No matter what season our lives are in at present, we can be assured that the season will change and that God will bring new life. That he sees us through the seasons and no matter how dark or cold the place we are in seems, that he is light and warmth.

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